Kanopy is accessed through your local library with your card number. For myself with a connection to Roku on TV I can watch the videos. Just go to www.kanopy.com and sign in. They have many fitness and nutrition videos. Two of the best that deal with fitness motivation and nutrition are: 1. “Motivation to Change Your Body Composition”, with Michael Ormsbee PhD, from Florida State. 2. “Fitness Beyond the Gym Active Daily Living – How to Stay Fit as you Age”, with Kimberlee Bonura PhD, from Florida State.
These videos are not long and are very motivational.
Just a side note – as you may recall I got a master’s from Florida State in Movement Science Education with emphasis in Sport Psychology in the 80’s. That department was strictly theoretical research oriented. They had a PhD program in Sport Psychology that supposedly prepared an individual to counsel athletes on their performance psychology. However, the program list of courses had no mention of any psychological counseling. So the above practical applied videos are a positive change to my experience with the then strictly theoretical research bent in the Movement Science Department of the 80’s at Florida State.