
Theories and Models of Exercise Adherence that integrate elements from across a variety of theories.

The Transtheoretical Model (TTM), Prochaska & DiClemente (1983) described 5 stages of behavior change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Movement through stages involves how people think about exercise, themselves, and aspects of the environment that influence exercise behavior. Lowther, Mutrie, & Scott (2007) found that self-liberation appears to be important for helping people move …

Theories and Models of Exercise Adherence that integrate elements from across a variety of theories. Read More »

Long term motivation for exercise adherence

Motivation starts with inspiration. The history of human beings as mainly hunters and gathers for 95 to 99% of our existence can be an inspiration for starting and maintaining a fitness program. Two million years ago in the fossil record we begin to see Homo erectus skeletons with thigh bones 50% longer than earlier hominids, …

Long term motivation for exercise adherence Read More »